Class: KeySystemConfiguration


Represents a set of configurations that describe the capabilities desired for support by a given CDM

new KeySystemConfiguration(audioCapabilities, videoCapabilities, distinctiveIdentifier, persistentState, sessionTypes)

Name Type Argument Default Description
audioCapabilities Array.<MediaCapability>

array of desired audio capabilities. Higher preference capabilities should be placed earlier in the array.

videoCapabilities Array.<MediaCapability>

array of desired video capabilities. Higher preference capabilities should be placed earlier in the array.

distinctiveIdentifier string <optional>

desired use of distinctive identifiers. One of "required", "optional", or "not-allowed"

persistentState string <optional>

desired support for persistent storage of key systems. One of "required", "optional", or "not-allowed"

sessionTypes Array.<string> <optional>

List of session types that must be supported by the key system
